Here at the body shop, we have all the participant jewelry coolest searches for the best price and cannot be beat for our new PMMA flesh plugs and vahakynttilät. These clever pieces of body jewellery come with 3 sections, which will mix and match the taper, or the flesh of plug. When you buy any of these to get the most out of PMMA flesh plugs (1) the design, the flesh and the cool facade (1) of the tapered back and 1 flat back – such as on the right side. You can screw the two different back pieces onto the plug to either the plug or the appearance of your taper and go as often as you want to configure. These plugs are not used to stretch your heart; they only give you awesome appearance.
These PMMA flesh plugs and vahakynttilät are five cool templates, so they are a great way to update the jewellery for the different outfits. I think my favourites are the Prism design – they really catch the light and almost holographic appearance to them. Star-connectors are highly wear-anywhere in the model of the carbon fiber editions are the perfect sleek style, is nonsense.
Abalone PMMA Flesh Plug TaperPrism PMMA Flesh Star Plug-in Taper PMMA Flesh Tan Turn to carbon fibres, PMMA Flesh Zebra Turn Tan in PMMA Flesh Taper Plug | SubscribeTags: Acrylic, acrylic piericng jewelry, Body Piercing vahakynttilät, Flesh plugs, Plug in the meat, the large gauge vahakynttilät Piercing Taper PMMA vahakynttilät
This entry was posted on Monday, the 10th of January, 2011 at 9: 00 am and is filed under acrylic body jewelry, ear Piercings, stretched Piercings, stretching jewellery. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.